Tell ‘tail’ signs your cat is missing you

The easing of restrictions across Victoria begins the slow return to many of our pre-isolation routines. This means many of us will be spending more time away from our homes. This may be a welcome relief to some, but not to our four-legged family members.

It’s not just dogs that will be at a loss with their homes suddenly quiet, their introverted feline friends will find the transition hard too.

The Cat Protection Society Victoria (CPSV) Behaviourist, Natalya Dundovich feels that we should be mindful of our cats during this time, especially those who seek out human interaction.

“Returning to normal routines such as working out of the house and having children back at school will change the home environment significantly for our cats. It will be a big change for them after spending the last eight weeks with us at home.”

“To make the transition easier for them we want to get them used to short periods of being home alone, then gradually build on that so it will reflect our day-to-day routine. Now that restrictions have relaxed a little you could go to the park or visit a friend for a few hours and slowly build that up to a full day,” she said.

Ms Dundovich says we can look for tell-tale signs that our cats are stressed.

 “Changes to their normal eating, drinking and toileting habits can be a sign of stress. Other signs can include reduced interest in play and perhaps exploring the garden, being sleepier than normal, changes in vocalisations as well as an increase in neediness. We may also see some destructive behaviours around the house,” she said.

 “If your cat is showing any of these signs it is important to talk with your vet, particularly if there are changes to eating, drinking or toileting. Serious stress can cause health affects so it is important to get this checked out.”

“Once anything serious is ruled out we can help our cats by increasing the play we do with them, especially hunting style games as this makes cats feel good and reduces stress. We can also get them foraging for their meals, starting with scattering food on the floor and pointing out the pieces. Cat puzzles and toys can also help,” Ms Dundovich said.

There are also a number of things you can do to ensure your cat is okay while you are not home.

“Leaving your cats with something that smells strongly of you, like a dressing gown or pillow case, and keeping some background noise such as the radio or TV can help. Some people like to leave ‘cat TV’ on for cats while they are gone. The food foraging activities can be set up while you are not home too. It can also be helpful to have a friend or a pet sitter drop in to break up the day,” she said.

CPSV is particularly concerned about cats who have been adopted out during isolation. The Shelter has seen an influx of adoptions over the last two months.

“For those who were adopted during isolation and only know a life with you at home, it is even more important to start leaving them for short periods and building up that time, from a few minutes to a couple of hours to a full day. This may require the help of a behaviouralist,” Ms Dundovich said.

“It is important that we expect changes in behaviour as cats pick up on our emotional state and many people are out of balance at the moment. We may see some behaviour that is out of character as a result.”

“Cats are just as easily trained as dogs so if behaviour is becoming problematic there are always options available to assist you assist your pet. You don’t need to relinquish your cat at the first signs of problematic behaviour there are people that can help,” she said.